
7 Bridges in 7 Miles with Joshua

I went hiking yesterday morning with my 6 years old great nephew, Joshua. We did the urban hike to 7 bridges in 7 miles and had a great time taking our picture at each bridge.

Bridge 1 - It is Georgia Street, crosses University Avenue. This used to be a redwood-truss bridge built in 1907 but the current concrete bridge was built in 1914. Its design is very pretty.

Bridge 2 – Built in 1995, Vermont St. bridge crosses Washington St. This one is very cool; it has many quotes written on it providing inspiration and enjoyment. The original bridge was a wooden-trestle built in 1916.

Bridge 3 - From 1912, the Spruce St. suspension bridge crosses over Sessions Canyon. To walk across while it sways is fun and exciting!

Bridge 4 - Quince St. wooden-trestle bridge was built in 1905. It spans Maple Canyon between 2nd and 4th Ave. This one is my favorite!

Bridge 5 - Built in 1931, the First Ave. bridge was shipped to San Diego to be reassembled in place. It also spands Maple Canyon. This is the only steel-arch bridge in the city and it is beautiful!

Bridge 6 - The Laurel St. bridge dates from 1914 and was the first multiple-arched cantilever bridge built in California. The side view of the arched bridge is spectacular and looking up from under it, lets you admire its amazing architecture!

Bridge 7 - This is the bridge that crosses Park Blvd. from the Rose Garden toward the San Diego Natural History Museum in Balboa Park. When crossing this bridge, you can enjoy the rose garden and part of the cactus garden, both gorgeous!

We started at the Georgia Street bridge but most people start at the Rose Garden in Balboa Park and work their way to end with Georgia Street bridge. Here is a map:

Map from The San Diego Historic Streetcars Blog

We finished our hike climbing up the big fat pipe from the bottom of Florida Canyon up to Morley Field Park. Joshua did an amazing job hiking 7 miles in 2.5 hours - what a big boy, I'm so proud of you!


  1. Creo que tu sobrino nunca va a olvidar el recorrido de todos los puentes de San Diego que hizo con su tía abuela tan valiente!!! qué excursión!!!! tantas horas de caminata para un chico, la verdad es que se debe haber divertido muchísimo y no se tu como hayas acabado!!!

  2. Mercedes, ¿valiente yo o mi sobrino? Yo no tengo hijos y caminar tanto con un niño de 6 años fue una prueba a mi paciencia. A este niño le encanta hablar y hacer preguntas. En el camino preguntó qué porque teníamos la boca mojada, cuál era la diferencia entre las abejas africanas y las de aquí y otras preguntas al azar. Pero lo que más me gustó es cuando me dijo que vio a 2 lagartijas peleándose. Cuando le pregunté porqué peleaban, me explicó que porque una le dijo a la otra..."yo puedo hacer más lagartijas que tú"...me hizo reír. Creo que los dos nos divertimos mucho y creo que pase la prueba. ¡Jajaja!

  3. Hi, how are you. That's great. Glad you are keeping fit and eating the right foods.congrats!

    1. Hi Gloria, I'm doing well, trying to stay healthy. I tried visiting your blog but for some reason I can't get in. Hope things are going well for you. Take care.
